Beth Baker Owens Beth Baker Owens

How Real Estate is Affected by the Coronavirus

What does the pandemic portend for Colorado's economy and real estate in 2020? In short, the recession will arrive in Colorado earlier than expected. Just how intense the recession will be is unclear. We don't know enough about how this pandemic will proceed.

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Beth Baker Owens Beth Baker Owens

How Gratitude Can Help One Succeed in Life and Business

Gratitude is a powerful tool for building a good life. It starts by saying "Aw, thanks," then by building goodwill, and can develop into a powerful tool for resilience. "Gratitude helps us weather life's ups and downs, in business, family, and more," said Baker Owens. "It can help you build a legacy of resilience for your life.

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Beth Baker Owens Beth Baker Owens

Helping Parents Downsize

Once people become senior citizens it is common for them to want or need to simplify, have less work, or downsize their space. The change may be as simple as reorganizing the house and getting some help with household chores and cooking. Other times, more assistance is needed and caring for a home is too much work. Unfortunately, some seniors cannot adjust as needed on their own. To help children of senior parents downsize, Owens lists the following five tips:

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Beth Baker Owens Beth Baker Owens

First-Time Homebuyer Tips and Myths.

As a homebuyer, you have the right to representation and to be treated as a 'client', not as a 'customer.' You have the right to a written contract with your real estate agent that makes your agent legally accountable to you, and that requires your agent to represent your best interests, and only your interests, in buying a home.

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